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Amongst our goodies are stars like Natives Caroline Jessamine, Autumn Fern, Maidenhair Fern, and perennial Sage Farinacea. We also stocked up on thyme, oregano, and mint. Our one unexpected purchase was a pink jasmine, whom we can't wait to find a special spot for in the garden.
We managed to plant most of these lovely beauties today. Our front courtyard is coming along nicely, after many, many hours of digging and replacing soil, and countless wheelbarrow trips back and forth by my better half. It did look like this in November:
And after our work today...
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So, it's getting there. Lots of seeds went into the front garden beds today:
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...with many more yet to come. Some of these seeds were hardly larger than a good speck of dust - and I marvelled at how daring Nature is. She takes chances I would never dream of; a lot braver than I could ever be.
Carolina Jessamine is also gracing the front of our courtyard entryway, where we hope she will draw in bees and butterflies and all manner of life whose needs she can satisfy - certainly, ours included!
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See you in Arcadia!