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Today s/he was hanging out by the neem tree, a tree given as a precious gift to us by a friend, whose Tamizh name, புஷ்ப மலர் (pushpa malar), is a combination of the Sanskrit word for flower and the Tamizh word for flower, or wildflower. Flower-flower. What a fantastic and appropriate name for one who loves gardens and plants and flowers so much. The neem deserves its own post. So do you, Ancestor. More on you both, later.
Today marks Day 6 of the winter garden. What's new? Let's see - magically, in a matter of hours, we are lucky today to see:
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Amazing! Beets, cauliflower, and lettuce. Also, though not pictured today, we see arugula making its appearance. What shall tomorrow bring? Work of a different nature - one gardening job for the weekend for both of us is to tackle our little front courtyard garden. We have all the tools, and most of the plants we need, to plant a tropical, shady paradise.
Sweet dreams!